What can my son/daughter do with German?

Students who study German can pursue a variety of careers in: international business, engineering, medicine, the sciences, art and music & study abroad
www.stepintogerman.org –> German matters

How can my son/daughter improve their German?

Students can improve their German by daily practice, (at least 20 minutes daily), reviewing, listening to songs, studying with classmates, use of Quizlet, Duolingo and other electronic apps, seeking help before falling behind, and setting their electronics to German.

How can my child seek extra help or make-up work?

I am available in room 811 during regular office hours, and by appointment. Students can come in and seek extra help from me or student tutors.

Where can I find the homework/assignments and check grades?

All the homework assignments are in the calendar section on Moodle. Additional materials are also available on Moodle. Please use the guest access to access Moodle as a parent/guardian. Grades are updated and available on Parent/Student Connect every two weeks.

Are there any other opportunities for my child to study German?

Due to our relationship with Pomona and Scripps College, students, who have completed German 4 at CHS, may enroll in literature courses free of charge. Students, wishing to earn college credit during High School, may take German at MTSAC while concurrently enrolled in High School German. Please see your student’s counselor for more information.